Singing Guide: Sonny Chillingworth

Singing Guide: Sonny Chillingworth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sonny Chillingworth, born on July 14, 1932, was an American-born slack-key guitarist who gained fame in Hawaii. He was known for his unique fingerpicking style and combined traditional and contemporary elements in his music.

To learn singing like Sonny Chillingworth requires not only a careful ear but also a steady hand. Chillingworth's slack-key guitar style emphasizes open tunings, fingerpicking, and glissandos. His vocal style reflects the same ease and fluidity of his guitar playing.

To start, you should analyze your voice to determine your natural range. Singing Carrots’ vocal range test quickly evaluates the quality and quantity of vocal pitches within different singing styles. This helps you choose the right key to sing in for Chillingworth’s music.

Next, you should learn about voice types, breath support, and warm-up techniques to achieve consistent and reliable results. Singing Carrots has many resources, including articles on breathing, vocal registers, and throat and mouth positions (open mouth & throat). Through breath support exercises, you can develop the essential core strength to effortlessly control your voice.

Chillingworth's vocal technique is further highlighted by his command of vocal registers. Singing Carrots’ video “Mixed Voice” explains how to bridge the voice break and produce seamless vocal transitions. Meanwhile, the article “Vocal Registers & Vocal Break” explains the difference between vocal registers and provides exercises to help you master each one.

To develop your sense of timing and rhythm, there are also singing games and quizzes that you can use. Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

When learning Chillingworth’s music, you should pay particular attention to song arrangements, rhythms, and harmonies. One of his most popular songs, "Wai O Ke Aniani," showcases his unique vocal technique and slack-key guitar playing.

To become an authentic performer like Chillingworth, experiment with different techniques and styles. Vocal techniques like twang, growling, and vibrato used in contemporary singing are explained in Singing Carrots articles.

In conclusion, to learn to sing like Sonny Chillingworth, you must focus on the fundamentals of vocal technique while attending to the nuances of his unique sound. Incorporate Singing Carrots’ tools, resources, vocal exercises, and slack-key guitar arrangements and techniques to add to your vocal skills. Be sure to check out his signature songs like "Wai O Ke Aniani" and make them your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.